Educational Board Games

When I was a kid, my mom hired a sweet elderly lady in our neighborhood to care for me and my sister during the daytime. Over the years, this wonderful woman kept dozens of children at her small home. She was talented at her position. I was never bored. In the mornings, I enjoyed reading a variety of books. During the afternoons, my caretaker played several educational board games with the children she kept. I learned new words, gaming strategies, and teamwork while sitting around her dining room table playing these fun games with other kids. On this blog, you will discover how to incorporate educational board games into your daycare’s schedule.

Helping The Parent Adjust To Preschool


From the first moment that you found out you were expecting, you have been protective. From being selective about what you feed your child to protecting them when they're outside playing, it's the parent's role to be protective. While much discussion is devoted to helping the child adjust to preschool, the road can be just as difficult for the parent. Learning how to balance your naturally protective behavior with still allowing your child to gain some independence is important.

Play An Active Role

One of the best things you can do is play an active role. Don't let the interview be the only time you have open communication with your child's teacher and other staff at their school. Participate in parent volunteer activities and visit the school to have lunch with your child when you can. Playing an active role will give you the level of interaction you need to have confidence that your child is being well taken care of.

If for some reason you are unable to visit the preschool during these times, find out if the teacher is available to email. Every so often email the teacher to get feedback about your child. Keeping an open line of communication doesn't just keep you informed, but it also shows the staff that you care very much about your child's care.

Be Patient

Even with regular interaction, you will still have a level of apprehension when it comes to your child being away from you in preschool. The most important thing for you to remember is that it takes time. Don't expect to be over the idea that your child is no longer constantly under your watchful eye overnight. Trying to force yourself to adjust too quickly will only make matters worse.

It's generally best to give yourself a few months to get adjusted to this idea. It's also important to recognize milestones. Taking the time to recognize milestones helps you notice the gains you've made and lets you know you're going in the right direction. For example, maybe you started off having emotional breakdowns after dropping your child off every morning. Once you notice you aren't reacting this way any longer, congratulate yourself and focus on how far you've come.

Sending your child to preschool is an important part of their development, both academically and socially. However, it's also important milestone for you. Choose a child care center carefully, take your time and adjusting will come easier. For more information, contact a child care program like Kaye Kare Child Care Center.


18 March 2015